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I love old furniture. I very rarely buy new furniture and I love to scroll Facebook marketplace looking for new diamonds in the rough. Unfortunately, sometimes with old furniture comes strange and unwanted odors.
Here are some tips I have used over the years in order to eliminate these unwanted smells:
- Clean and Air Out: Start by cleaning the furniture thoroughly. Use a gentle cleaner suitable for the material of the furniture. I usually stick with plain old soap and water and a scrub brush. I like to use a mild Castile soap such as Dr Bronners. After cleaning, it is best to let it dry outside in the sunlight. Sunlight and fresh air can work wonders. If it is cold, you can set up a fan in a garage or basement to help dry it out thoroughly.
- Baking Soda: Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the furniture, particularly in areas where the odor is strongest. Leave it for a few hours or overnight, then vacuum it up.
- Vinegar: Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the furniture with this solution and let it air dry. Vinegar helps neutralize odors naturally and can be especially effective against musty smells. For stubborn odors such as smelly drawers, I have soaked a washcloth with white vinegar and wiped down thoroughly. Just make sure you don’t wipe the outside of the piece down with vinegar. Vinegar is acidic and may damage the finish of the furniture piece.
- Activated Charcoal: Place a bowl of activated charcoal inside the furniture piece. Activated charcoal is highly porous and can absorb odors effectively. Activated charcoal is such an effective binder it is commonly used in water filters and in emergency situations when a poison is ingested. Leave it for a few days and replace it if needed.
- Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds also work well to absorb odors. Spread used but dried coffee grounds on a tray or in a bowl and place it inside the smelly furniture. As with the charcoal, leave it for a few days and replace it if necessary.

Remember that these methods may take some time to fully eliminate the odors, so be patient and repeat the process if needed.
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